Aurifil Thread
Bag Hardware
Bias Makers
Birch Zippers
ByAnnie Supplies
Carry All Bags
Efina Threads
Eleganza Threads
EPP Kits and Notions
EPP Papers and Templates
Fussy Cutting Viewers
Hidamari Sashiko
Holland Felt
Interfacing and Wadding
Karen Kay Buckley Perfect Shapes
Machine Needles
Marking Pens and Chalks
Mask making
Miscellaneous Notions
Needle Threaders
Notions and Felt On Sale
Rasant Threads
Ribbons and Braids
Rotary Cutters and Blades
Silk Cosmo and DMC Thread
Sue Spargo Merino Wool
Sue Spargo Thread Collections
Superior Thread
Template and Papers Sets
Tula Pink Webbing
Utility Clips
Wonderfil Specialty Thread
Zippers and Zipper Pulls
Peels Spool Hugger
$1.20 - $72.50
Polyfuse A4 Sheets
Purple Daisies
Rotating Cutting Mat 15in
Roxanne Glue BasteIt
$21.00 - $24.00
Seam Ripper
SP18 Light Grey Taupe
Strawberry Fields
Zipper by the Yard (4yds)
$49.50 - $55.00
JK 1 1/2" Hex
JK 6 Pointed Star
JK Equilateral Triangle
JK Half Hex
JK Lozenge Hex
MSG Christabella iSpy Template Set
MSG Christabella Paper iSpy Template Set
MSG Ruby Rosehips iSpy Template Set
MSG Ruby Rosehips Paper Pack
SP01 Bright Warm Red
SP02 Fun Orange
SP03 Golden Yellow
SP04 Chartreuse
SP05 Turquoise
SP06 Denim
SP07 Deep Royal Purple
SP08 Magenta
SP09 Deep Rich Tomato
SP10 Dark Pumpkin
SP100 White
SP101 Ecru
SP103 Vanilla
SP11 Rich Gold
SP12 Medium Fern Green
SP13 Deep Ocean Green Blue
SP14 Stormy Blue
SP15 Eggplant
SP16 Deep Magenta
SP17 Milk Chocolate